Showing posts with label baby boom generation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby boom generation. Show all posts
on relaxing views of Marijuana use.
Are we surprised?
Not about Marijuana use in itself, but about Baby Boomers leading the charge to relax societal views about the drug.
From the Washington Post:
Federal prosecutors will no longer go after medical users of Maryjayne in the thirteen states that have licensed Marijuana dispensaries. READ MORE
Who says Boomers aren't booming along. We're older but still rockin'.
Are we surprised?
Not about Marijuana use in itself, but about Baby Boomers leading the charge to relax societal views about the drug.
From the Washington Post:
"There's gotten to be greater tolerance, that's for sure," said Lee, the son of one-time acting Maryland governor Blair Lee III. "I know literally hundreds of people my age who smoke. They are upright citizens, good parents who are holding down jobs. You take two or three puffs, and you're good to go. I'm not a Rastafarian; I don't treat this as some holy sacrament. But pot is fun."
Federal prosecutors will no longer go after medical users of Maryjayne in the thirteen states that have licensed Marijuana dispensaries. READ MORE
Who says Boomers aren't booming along. We're older but still rockin'.
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Unfortunately, I know where mine is and wish I didn't.
Don't get me wrong I love my child, but come on!
He still stands outside the bathroom door [along with the dog and the cat] insisting on having conversations at the most inopportune moments.
And if some of yours are like mine, they camp out on your couch snoring at 12:00 in the afternoon. Or, they're down in our basements or in the bedroom that you "had" planned to convert into a computer room -- blasting their and your eardrums with what they call music or, they're in our refrigerators -- eating everything that doesn't have anything greenish and hairy growing on its surface.
Now here I go with the "when I was" inane platitude: when I was their age I was either at school or at work or most importantly, living in my own home at this time of day.
Yet, there's an segment of today's society that has labeled these walking, talking, fertilized boomer eggs [our sweet and cuddly little boomettes] as "Echo-Boomers"
Can you believe that! Echo-Boomers!
Just because they're our genetic and demographic off-spring. Sure they've got our genes and yes, quite a few of them are demographically and geographically close -- we just can't get rid of them.
They seem to be that damn piece of gum stuck on the bottom of a favorite shoe and refuses to come off.
60 Minutes says that our little Millennials, also known as Generation Y are the most studied generations [ by sociologists, marketers, demographers] in history. Why, because they're the ones who grew up in the information age and we made life easy for our little munch-skins that's why.
60 Minutes went on to say:
Echo boomers are a reflection of the sweeping changes in American life over the past 20 years. They are the first to grow up with computers at home, in a 500-channel TV universe. They are multi-taskers with cell phones, music downloads, and Instant Messaging on the Internet. They are totally plugged- in citizens of a worldwide community. READ MORE500 -- channel TV universe! Are they serious! There are those of us who can't afford cable let alone any other contraption -- what's with the 500 channels! That's unheard of in my house.
I'll reiterate -- they've probably only surveyed/studied upper echelon segment of Boomer society. The segment that's:
- White
- Professional
- Lives in Suburbia
- Has 2 plus cars in their driveways
- Had 2.5 children and a dog
- Goes on vacation twice a year
- Income level: 100K or more a year
Even so, the rest of us are just as guilty of making life easier for our kids. So easy in fact, that our Echo-Boomers [sometimes even their progeny] can't and won't get off the bottom of our shoes.
Is it me, or can anyone else see how each generation's progress just might be considered -- a tad bit sticky.
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I've been researching the phrase "Golden Years" looking to find from where this euphemism comes.
Not only have I been looking for this euphemism I've also been looking for some numbers on the different socioeconomic Baby Boomer groups unfortunately, I've not had much luck.
I'm wondering if society thinks all of us Boomers are in the money? And, that we're all living that exciting and exotic empty nest life advertisers and marketers are pushing in magazines and on t.v?
Here's one example of a survey for marketers I found:
“Decreases in the percentage of families with their own child under 18 at home reflect the aging of the population and changing fertility patterns,” said Rose Kreider, family demographer at the U.S. Census Bureau. “In 2008, not only were baby boomers old enough that most of their children were 18 and over, but they were having fewer kids than their parents, as well.” READ MOREAlthough this may be true, there's more to the story than what's being told.
So, why hasn't the census done a study on those Boomers who DO have children older than 18 living at home?
When I was young the old folks always referred to the "Golden Years" as the age people become when there are no more children to raise, a nice quiet house to come home to, extended vacations for two, traveling at will, in other words -- all money and time could now be spent on themselves and focusing on their happiness.
Well...HELLO! Actuality's cold hand just slapped me in the face and made me stupid! This euphemism is a misnomer. As a matter of fact... it SUCKS!
Since when does gold tarnish or rust and become worthless as teats on a boar hog?
Yes, Baby Boomers are the be all, end all of consumerism, [some have quite a bit of the green-back in their pockets] but that all depends on which socioeconomic class the baby boomer falls under.
Where does it break down the classes of Baby Boomers? Meaning, where are the statistics gathered on those boomers who have and those of who have not.
Yes, Baby Boomers are the glue of the American economy, but don't fool yourselves, there are those of us who are the "have-nots"
In my experience many Boomers live pay-check to pay-check or are on disability or are unemployed, have boom-busters [grown children] at home. Or, they're caring for someone from the silent generation [parent(s)] so, what's so GOLDEN about that!
There's a large percentage of Boomers who are/were the "working poor" No, not middle class, those income numbers are misleading too, I'm referring to those who make $40,000 or less, a year. Those boomers who need a 2 person income to comfortably live and put money aside for their future.
We've been over-looked, or out right ignored!
There are those of us who couldn't send our children to college because we didn't have the money or we were informed, by financial aid, that we made too much money for any assistance -- now how's that for a kick in the teeth!
Now do you understand to whom I'm referring, those of us Boomers who are stuck between the proverbial eco-rock and socio-hard place.
We are the Boomers who still have grown, able bodied, people living in our homes, dipping slippery fingers into our almost empty pockets. These are our Boom-Busters who, from some alternate universe, think that they're too good to work for McDonalds or Burger King or start a lawn business or work more than one job at a time.
Or, we're the Boomer member who takes care of Mom or Dad because everyone else has a more important life and a full plate. There's nothing wrong with taking care of a parent, if it hadn't been for them we wouldn't be here. But, I do have issues with adult children playing with the hole in the bottom of Mom and Dad's pocket, and only contributing more gray hair on our heads.
Is there a higher percentage of Boomers who have grown children [25-35 years or older], elderly parents or are raising grandchildren, in their homes? Are they:
- Non-White
- On the lower end of the socioeconomic scale
- Have some college but never graduated
- Are single parents
- Live in Urban areas
- Work in service related fields
- Are non-Professional
So, to all the "Egg-heads," "Number-Crunchers" "Brainiacs," and, "Professionals," out there -- where are the stats for this "ACTUALITY?"
Where are the numbers!
Check out the hair -- do you see a difference? I don't!
From where did the term Baby Boomer come. It's obvious but I want to elaborate more on the subject.
There are different names we Boomers fall under.
Two I've already mentioned but I will write them again -- "pig in a python" and "a shock wave" Read More
Yes, don't let anyone fool you. We Boomers are the largest consumer group in America. We're the largest working group in the country.
Yes, we are all that. We built America. We learned a good solid work ethic from our parents and took that knowledge even further. Some of us are grandparents, but we're not seniors. Some of us still have grown children at home who still tap into our pockets.
We are the activist generation.
From Baby Boomer Magazine:
Baby Boomers:
• Have more discretionary income (wealth) than any other age group
• Control 70% of the total net worth of American households - $7 trillion of wealth
• Own 80% of all money in savings and loan associations
• Spend more money disproportionately to their numbers
• Are not fanatically loyal to brands
• Watch television more than any other age group
• Read newspapers more than any other age group
• Account for a dramatic 40% of total consumer demand
We ROCK -- don't let anyone tell you any different.